Discover Oriol Rossell + Tasting Of 4 Wines And Cavas Plus Aperitif


The price per person is €25 for adults and €12 for children aged 9 to 17.
Discover the estate of Cal Cassanyes, the XVII century country house, the surrounding vineyards and the modernist cellar where our wines and cavas are made.

Horari d'hivern (d'octubre a juny)

De dimarts a diumenge a les 11 h

Horari d'estiu (de juliol a setembre)

De dimarts a divendres a les 11 h i divendres i dissabte** a les 19 h.


90 Min


Discover the Cal Cassanyes estate, the 17th century farmhouse, the vineyards that surround the property and the modernist cellar where our wines and cavas are made. You will learn about the history of the family and how their passion for traditions and the land is passed down from generation to generation.

Price: adult €25 / under 9 to 17 €12 / under 9 free